In order to flourish in the business world, you need to create an edge for your company. Don’t just look for mainstream ideas of advertising that have been used since the beginning of time. Instead, conform to the contemporary method of ‘Content Marketing’.
What is content marketing?
This is a term used to describe pieces of valuable information on your company’s products/services that are shared with customers, while essentially building your brand. Additionally, the content created must be significant to attract viewers and be valuable to them. It works by creating or leveraging platforms on the internet where you can share your content publicly with the world. For instance: by building your own website or sponsoring third-party sites/bloggers to include your content on their social media. Keep in mind that it is extremely crucial to pick your outlet prudently because the reputation of your outlet may significantly impact your own reputation.
What are the different forms of content marketing?
[1] Infographics, the first and most captivating form of content marketing, which basically is an informative yet fun video that includes charts, graphs and brief information on the product or service. It is usually animated and proven to be highly effective due to its charismatic nature. As most people agree, visuals are a better way of capturing the attention of an audience and so this is such an alluring method. If done right, this video can go viral on social media which will broaden your recognition.
[2] A fundamental factor for content marketing is having a website dedicated to valuable content. Why? Because this is the optimum mode of SEO marketing. Due to all the relevant keywords in your informative write-ups, more traffic is driven towards your site when people search those keywords. Key-word rich content will only propel customers to you but fruitful content will keep them there and coming back for more. Hence, make the content useful to the targeted viewers, rather than just laying out the content merely.
[3] Creating videos to get your information heard can also be a very effective way of content marketing. Who says it has to be all about reading? Many people respond better to videos as it is more appealing to watch things than to read and you can provide detailed information without boring the viewers. Vlogging or live streaming are some major methods people use. If a company doesn’t want to invest the time in starting their own video channel, they can resort to simpler ways by sponsoring well-known social media influencers who will promote their services on behalf of them.
[4] Social media is the key to effective results. As mentioned earlier, companies place their content on social platforms through third parties. It is also useful to have social media pages of your company itself and communicate with customers through them. It is undoubtedly true that almost everyone these days uses social media so this could help reach a larger audience. Brief write-ups on your pages can lead to customers being more curious and clicking on your site for more detailed information.
After all this being said, you may still wonder if content marketing actually important for your business. Here is a basic understanding of why it is in fact important:
People have needs that sometimes have no obvious solution, and your business may provide that solution. The only way a customer without prior knowledge will think that your product/service is what they need is if they are given enough information to come to that conclusion. By providing a platform of information on your products, they can see if it fits their needs and may decide to ultimately buy from you. This gives your business a competitive edge because, in the end, a customer is more likely to trust a product/service after researching on it thoroughly. So, don’t let your business fall behind in the new era of marketing.