Accounting & Finance

Accounting is the most important part of any organization. With accounting, any business can easily gauge the economic activities and come up with reports that can be shared with the stockholders. The stockholders also play an important role in accounting to any organization. All the expenses, profits and other forms of revenue is calculated using the Accounting software. People who manage the accounts are known as accountants.
With Business growing exponentially, having a system that is completely integrated with sales and inventory is a must for business to survive.
Odoo is a versatile product and offers features for almost all the process related to the business. Accounting is no different. With the Accounting, Odoo Solution business can easily solve all their accounting problems and control each transaction using the automated features of the solution. Other important features that Odoo Accounting Solution are General Ledger Management, Cash and Asset Management, Bank Reconciliation, Cost Centre and KPI, Extensive Reporting and much more!
Having a completely integrated Accounting solution for your ERP, leverages opportunities and dissolves problem related to accounting.